Tuesday 28 August 2012

Monday 27 August 2012

Very Sad

Ghost (Fiance) and I were sitting in La Poutine on 109th st this afternoon when he got a call from his dad, asking him if he was ok.  There'd been a biking accident on Whyte Ave and a 21 year old cyclist, matching Ghost's description, had been killed.

The Edmonton Journal has a very good article describing what happened.

Seeing the ghost bike on the median had me almost moved to tears.  My greatest condolences go out to the family and the driver of the truck.

Please be careful out there everyone.  This is a horrible thing that has happened.  I really hope they do get bike lanes going on Whyte.  It would make it safer for everyone.  This is a great place for information on biking in Edmonton.  Drivers and cyclists please check this out.  It's important that everyone is knowledgeable about cyclists on the road.  I'd love to see something like this never happen again.

August 29th:  Found out last night that the cyclist who was killed was a friend of my roommate's.  Honestly not sure what to say beyond a gut wrenching "bleah".

Thursday 23 August 2012


This deserves it own post.  I wasn't about to risk it getting lost in the mumble-jumble that is me talking about withdrawal.  What is this that is so deserving of its own post you ask?  What could be so awesome?  More comics?  Cute animal pictures?  Luscious ladies on lugubrious adventures?

ALL OF THE ABOVE AND MORE!!! (maybe not the lugubrious but I like the alliteration.)

Boyfriend has gottenh is stuff together and given me permission to blab about the awesomness that is his webcomic stuff.  AND HERE IT IS!!!  I am a large fan of Dirty Thespians.  Anyways, check it out! 
Additional cute animal photo here.
One of the less creepy pictures that comes up when you type in lugubrious ladies.  I have no idea why this comes up but I liked it.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


 August 27,
Fear not!  I did not die.  Instead I went camping for the weekend!!!!!  So glad to have made it out before summer is over.   Ah camping.  How I love thee.
Anyways, sorry for not being around.  I meant to post a will-be-away-thing but sadly it did not happen.
Withdrawal appears to be mostly over.  Which is super nice.  Losing weight, which is also super nice.  Take that ridiculous weight gain!!!!
More comics will be up soon.  I have a couple of finished rough drafts.  Now just need to get off my arse and whip out the inking pen.
Total sidenote, but I officially am starting to get a little taken aback by the mutant space crop that is zucchini.  But my plan is to take this as a challenge and produce lots of zucchini bread, muffins, zucchini pizza dough, stir fry and everything else I can possibly think of that can have zucchini.  Results will be blogged about.  Possibly comicked.

 August 22-23,
Apparently I missed a day.  Trying to remember why that is.  Eh.  Oh well.
Definitely more emotional and cranky today.  Definitely blaming that on the reduction of available serotonin and norepinephrin in my brain.
Saw a play at the fringe this afternoon.  Burnt at the Steak.  It had it's moments.  It had it's not moments.  I liked her fiesty-ness.
Pedalled my way home from the Fringe.  That was interesting.  Became a can-I-make-it-home-before-the-storm-starts bike.  Got in the house, got my bike up and BOOOMMM!!!  Aaaaannnnnddddd then the mass amounts of hail began to pelt down.  Called work and said that I'm not sure when I'll make it as I'm not leaving the house while large ice granules are screaming down.

  Now I'm pantsless so I'm doubting the going to work at all.  Don't take lessons from me kids.  I am a bad influence (the not going to work.  Pantsless is wonderful).

I figured a random picture from my day was appropriate.  This is my creeper shot.  Excuse the thumb.

August 21
Slept like the dead for twelve hours but I am unsure if that has anything to do with meds.  Could simply be the result of pleasant cuddles from Boyfriend and watching Avatar before bed.  Small Avatar gushing moment; they found a library partially buried in the sand with insane amounts of books in it.  The scholar who was traveling with the group chose to stay and learn, even at his own peril.  Honestly, I can kind of understand that feeling.  I'd go completely bananas if I found an archive like that.  Just think of all the reading, and the knowledge and the learning and and and...as I said to Boyfriend last night, I am a major dork.  When I found out I had access to scholarly, peer reviewed articles through my university's library I squeed.  (squeeing is the sound you make when you see stuff like this).

Returning to the original discussion of meds, the only other thing I noticed today was increased dizziness.  I was warned this might be an issue.

Oh, and my sex drive may have increased (Boyfriend grinned and said he's been looking forward to this).

 August 20
As of this morning I have begun to reduce my medication!  Exciting, I know!  I have been on Cymbalta, an antidepressant for just over a year and since February I have been taking 60 mg, once a day.  But as of today, down to 30 mg!!  I am excited for a number of reasons.  One, I want to see how I am doing sans medication.  Two, I'm hoping I will lose some weight (gained 5-10lbs in a week when it went up to 60 mg and IT HASN'T MOVED!!!).  And three, it'd be nice to be eventually not on anything and not have to remember to take stuff.  Anyways, I figured I'd make notes on here as to what happens in terms of withdrawal.  So far nothing, which is not that surprising.  I also did  bike for 50 minutes today which will increase feelings of pleasantness and the like.

Completely off topic, but I teared up for the first time today while watching Buffy.  It was during the episode in season two where Buffy asks Giles if life ever gets easier.  She then asks him to lie to her.  Something about him going on about how "no one ever dies, the bad guys are easily recognizable and easily defeated and we stay happy" made me rather emotional.  Dammit Buffy!  I was expecting cheese and you give me depth.

Saturday 18 August 2012


To clear up any confusion, I figured I'd explain who the various bears are.  The two that are reoccurring so far are myself, Merida and my fiance who will be either Fiance or Ghost.  I am the bear with the star tattoo (I have a star tattoo on my left wrist).  Ghost is the one with the buttons and is darker.  Why the buttons?  Because he looks damn sexy in a button down shirt.  He's darker because, well, he's darker than me and I liked the look.  So yeah.  I will add more characters as they come along.  Assume, unless stated otherwise, that bears you don't recognize are just random creations.


As promised, more comics.  My plan was to have this up earlier but sadly, work got in the way.  Oh well, left me time when I got home to experiment with outlining.  I am pleased with the results.  Thoughts?

Friday 17 August 2012


As previously promised, and I apologize for the wait, more comics!!!  I will be posting another one later today.  I am sure you can figure it out, but just in case you are wondering, no this is not based on real events.

Monday 6 August 2012

Being Beautiful

I, like nearly every women in North America, am not 100% confident or comfortable with my appearance.  SURPRISE (I think not)!!!!!  But despite my concerns about the sleight weight I carry on my hips, the size of  my breasts, do-I-have-cellulite on the back of my thighs and the weird mutant hairs that grow in random places on my body, I appear to have stumbled upon a way to feel beautiful.  For the record, not beautiful in the way of a princess in a long flowing gown, so sorry to disappoint if that is what you are after.  But rather, beautiful in the way of confident in my appearance, confident that the image I present is one I am happy with, one I want people to see.  The amazing part is that this was a change that came over me in the space of half an hour.  It was not the result of working out for months or dieting or courses or readings on feeling good or activism or a new lover or anything like that.  No instead, my grand transformation is the result of a hair cut.

A hair cut you say?  How is that possible?  Sure we all feel good after we get prettied up at the salon but that doesn't negate the weight on the hips or the mutant hairs.  Surely you must be kidding yourself.

Hold on.  I will explain.  I have been fighting with my hair on and off for the last year and some.  Cutting it, restyling it, letting it grow, hacking at it, cutting it, letting it grow, restyling...and so on and so forth.  This summer has been hot.  I have heavy hair.  I have been threatening to shave my head simply to relieve myself of the sweat that builds up on my scalp.  I have held off.  And then, I was watching the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and enjoying Noomi Rapace, that sexy goddess.  I looked at the hairstyle she wore in the movie.  Partially shaven, hair longer on one side.  I grinned.  Next morning, I handed Fiance my hair cutting scissors, pinned part of my hair aside and said "Go!"

In case you are curious, it is exactly as much fun as you think to hack at your own hair.  I may have been giggling.  Once it was short enough, Fiance took his razor and began to shave.  The result: I am now proudly sporting a buzz cut with one long piece in the front.

But that's not a pretty haircut!!!  Why would that make you feel beautiful?

Well, first off the sweat levels and maintenance have gone poof so that is a good start.  Secondly, there is something very wonderful about giving up on trying to appear "traditionally" feminine.  I love it.  Now when I'm wearing a skirt I can enjoy it.  The hair offsets the need for my appearance to match proper feminine.  For me, this is incredibly freeing.  I've always felt like I manage to miss out on being feminine.  Like I somehow cannot quite succeed.  This way, I don't have to try.  It's wonderful.

Also, it's loads of fun to pet (I get more head massages!) and when I get out of the shower and rub my head that water sprays off and makes it rain.  :D  It's more fun than I ever imagined I would get out of a hair cut!!!