Monday 30 July 2012

Mmm fruit

Boyfriend's parents just came back from BC.  With FRESH FRUIT!!!  MWHAHAHAHA!  I think my favourite part of summer is the fresh fruit.  Spent last night gorging myself on cherries, apricots and peaches.  Boyfriend and I also made cherry pie with delicious sour cherries from his garden. Oh how I love fruit!  I now have in my fridge though, two large bags of cherries.  Sweet cherries specifically.  I have spent the last hour looking up canning as well as vegan cherry pies.  This of course lead to a sidetrack where I spent a bunch of time looking up vegan food.  Mmmm vegan food.  I get very excited when I can make new vegan dishes.  Methinks tonight's dinner might be delicious lasagna.  Or I'll make it for lunch.  I'm not actually that picky.

One of my handy-dandy cookbooks lead me to a couple of awesome vegan websites; The Post Punk Kitchen, and Vegan Yum Yum Blog (this one is more gourmet food),

On a totally unrelated note, Boyfriend and I started the second season of Avatar, the last Airbender.  We now meet the crazy sister of Prince Zuko.  Also I had the creepy experience of lusting after Katara.  It always feels super weird to be attracted to a cartoon character.  Also she's fourteen in the show.  I swear I can hear the police sirens now.

Highly recommend the show.  It's got plot, humour, intrigue, mystery, in-depth characters, beautiful landscapes, cultural sensitivity, rich cultural elements and honesty.  It's even on Netflix which makes it super easy to access! Oh  Netflix, my other love.  I appreciate the reliability of Buffy in my home.

Also fear not internet.  There will be more weird bear comics coming soon.  

Sunday 29 July 2012

Cats, Fire, Signs

You know, I started writing one post, talking about my recent experiences involving views of women but it just turned out to be too brain involving for me right now.  I was reading over the last post I did and honestly, that's about how intelligent I feel right now.  Only I can't blame booze.  Very sad.  I have a series of interesting photos on my phone that I feel like they should be shared with the internet.  First of all, the obligatory goofy cat photos.  I have one of our cat Robyn, climbing up between two windows.  As well a photo of a fourteen year old tortoise wandering through a pet store.  A picture of burning a dead guitar, cooking steaks over a fire and some failed signs.  The stuff that is being burnt was found in the grass at a friend's house.  Their landlord couldn't be bothered to pay the electrical bill so they had/probably still have no power.  We figured we were actually doing the landlord a favour.  The dead shit we burnt they won't have to clean up!    

I took this at Canada's Wonderland.  It's a picture from Subway.  I'm sure the intent was .75 but  at Canada's Wonderland it's hard to tell.

I feel like this should actually be "Flying over people is not allowed."  I don't know about you, but if someone jumped over my head and those around me, I'd let them get ahead.  They either deserve it or have crazy ass superpowers and either way, I'm happy to keep my head down.

Robyn seems to believe that if she squirrels up between the windows she can get out.  I admire her tenacity.

Fourteen year old tortoise that Boyfriend and I ran into at a PetSmart.  The dogs were quite freaked out by  the moving rock.

Steaks cooking over fire.  That was the best friggin' steak  ever.

The remnants of a broken guitar.

The only time I will not feel guilty about burning a musical instrument.  We found it in the wet grass, the neck broken off and some sort of ooze growing in it.

The dead chair we found in the grass.  Burning shit is fun.  :)

Friday 20 July 2012

RPG's and booze

Inebriated and on the internet.  And talking.  Nothing bad come from this.  Though I was much worse easier.  I am listening to a conversation about chain mail thongs.  And if women will attack with swords.  And something about Conan the Barbarian running into battle with basically nothing about his nether regions.  I'm not sure I'm sober enough for the conversation.  

Fiance and I have started running together.  It is nice.  And now there is discussion of people shiving people. All I can think about is forks turning into weapons.  I have no idea why.  This conversation is confusing me.

Ever played Demon Souls?  It's like an exercise in how much patience you have.  For those who do not know, the way the game works is fight-fight-fight-fight-fight-DIE-return to beginning- fight-fight-fight-fight-DIE- return to beginning- fight- fight-fight-fight-fight-fight-fight-DIE- return to beginning and so on and so forth.  I quite like it, just it takes more patience than I...wait no.  Not what I'm meaning to see.  Fuck.  Getting distracted by conversation around me.  Definitely not sober.  What I was saying...was playing Demon Souls.  Now not.  Balls.

I think another person as started petting another.  And now something about dick bags hitting bosses.  Fear not loyal audience, I am listening to a role playing game.  Dead Lands I think.  Really I do not know.  Something now about too much giggling, teacher instincts going off and something about the power of Christ compelling you.  Yup, things are not making sense.  Have more booze my lovelies!  Something about salmon ties.  For weddings.  I have no idea what is going on.  And now something know what, eh.  Off to go research something!!!  Something that at the moment I am unsure what.  To further interwebbing it up.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Bare Breasts Broach On Brains

Yesterday Fiance and I spent the day at Canada's Wonderland.  For those unaware, it is an awesome amusement park with fabulous roller coaster's in Vaughan, Ontario.  We had a great time, zooming around on various rides and terrifying ourselves silly with a couple others.  Their new ride, the Leviathan, stand 306 feet tall and the first drop, the money drop, is at about an eighty degree angle.  It's wicked.  I recommend it.  At the end of the day we were sitting in the parking lot waiting for my Dad to pick us up (we've been visiting my parents for the last week.  Huzzah for vacation!).  In Ontario, it is legal for a woman to go topfree anywhere a man can.  Thanks to Gwen Jacobs and her pointing out to the courts that men and women's breasts are made of the same material, just one tends, on average, to be bigger than the other, sweltering in your bra and shirt is no longer necessary.  Yay!

How does this relate to anything involving Canada's Wonderland?  As I mentioned, we were sitting, waiting, I decided that I was tired of the sweat stuck between my breasts and the clammy shirt sticking to my back.  So I turned to Fiance and asked if he would take off his shirt as well (moral support is helpful).  He said, sure and so off they came.  Initially this wasn't a big deal, as we were sitting down and my breasts were mostly tucked behind my arms (I was fiddling on my phone).  It wasn't until we stood up to walk to the van that things became an issue.  A few stares, people shuffling away, pointing and giggling and then from behind us,
"Put a shirt on!"  We kept walking, looking for the van.
"PUT A SHIRT ON!"  Fiance turned around.
"I'm too hot!" (this is why I love him)
"Fuck you!!!"
As we approached the exit and headed over to the van, we could see a security guard hurriedly speaking into this walkie-talkie.  We climbed into the van, buckled up and drove off.

Now, I wish I could find the reactions of the people around us funny.  It is somewhat amusing, but honestly, it's mostly sad.  As Fiance and I walked side by side, both of us lacking in shirts, people freaked.  The site of my breasts, anatomically very similar to his, was causing major conniptions.  Throughout the day we had seen many men walking around without shirts on.  We had seen many women walking around in tiny shorts (butt hanging out bottom tiny) and tiny tops.   Some were even walking around with their flies undone, bathing suit bottoms popping out.  Some were in just bathing suit bottoms and tiny tops.  And I mean tiny.  You could see their nipples puckering up underneath the clothe.  I myself spent the day in a yellow ribbed tank top and men's shorts (I've given up on women's shorts).  But the site of me, with my nipples exposed to the sun, a pair of men's shorts slung around my hips, Fiance wearing the same thing beside me (different style of shorts yes) was enough to cause people to start yelling.

Maybe they were just concerned about my nipples burning in the sun.  It was hot.  I'd like to think so.

On The Bus

Sunday 15 July 2012

Rain and Heat

Quick post.  First off, I must say it, oh god the heat.  It is amazing how you can suddenly discover that BAM! you are sweating.  Everyhere.  All the time.  Stick, stick, stick.

I was telling Fiance about how when I was little my parents had an interesting time keeping clothes on me.  Really, it is their fault.  They failed at teaching my brother and myself vicious shame.  I remember particularly hot days, arguing vehemently with my parents about the necessity for clothes upon exiting the house.  It annoyed me that I was arguing with sound logic ("It's hot!  I don't want to be hotter") and they were arguing with something that I would later learn are called social norms ("It makes people uncomfortable!"  "Then they shouldn't look!").  Stick, stick, stick.

I was also not much fun when it rained.  I love rain.  To this day, when it rains, I feel that rain can only be properly enjoyed when outside, naked and dancing in it.  Got to shower in the rain once (another story) and it was amazing!!!  But side point.  I have another vivid memory of running outside to play in the rain when I was under ten.  Ankle deep in mud and giggling at the squeelch sounds it made, my Dad came outside and explained that we (brother and I) needed to put clothes on.
"But wwwhhhyyyy???"
"Because you're in the front lawn."
"You can't be naked where people will see you."
"But wwwhhhhyyy?  It makes more sense to not be wearing clothes.  They don't get wet.  They don't get dirty!!"
"Come inside."
"You can't be out here naked."
"It will make people uncomfortable."
"They will be driving by.  They won't see.  They shouldn't look!  It's not my fault."
"Inside.  Now!"
"Ugh.  Daaaddd!"
*grumble grumble* 

I'm still not 100% sure how their discomfort is my fault.  *sigh* 

Thursday 12 July 2012

Bj Comic

Another comic!  Yay!  This one should speak for itself.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Blast it!  I think I'm getting sick.  This is most annoying.  Both Boyfriend and Fiance (I am in a polyamorous relationship, I am not cheating) got sick and I have been feeling very smug that about my spartan like immune system.  I think the Battle of Thermopylae may be coming to an end in my body.  I have sent in reinforcements, in the form of Cold FX, so with any luck that will help.

Got myself a copy of the The Hobbit.  Haven't read it in several years and it is so nice to be able to go gallivanting with Bilbo, Gandalf and the dwarves again.  Speaking of The Hobbit, I am super excited for the film.  If you haven't watched the trailer, DO IT.  I'll even post a link for your convenience.  I absolutely love how they are doing a dirge for the misty mountain song.  Gives me goosebumps.

Today is an exciting day as it's FIRST COMIC DAY (capitalization is necessary).  Fiance has been nagging me for nearly a year to actually get some of my work up and onto the internet.  I'm not an artist, I just want to be clear.  I am a writer and the idea of drawing bears came to my while sitting through an excruciatingly painful first year English class.  This specific comic is a famous example of foot-in-mouth in our relationship.  Enjoy!

Saturday 7 July 2012

I wish I could blame caffeine

Yesterday I had the joy of attempting to make sales while somewhat manic.  See I have depression with bipolar tendencies, which basically means I get the extreme depression end of things and now and then I get manic.  The mania tends to last between 15 minutes and an hour or so.  Depending on what I'm able to do about it.  When it hits it feels either like being extremely hyper and sitting still is damn near impossible or I feel like I have ants crawling under my skin or I get paranoid and anxious.  It's fun.

Anyways, yesterday.  I was sitting in my cubicle, minding my own business when I noticed that I really wanted to start walking in circles around the office.  I did not but instead continued on with my job of calling people.  And attempting to talk to them.  Eesh.  Ever tried to do anything when you cannot focus?  It went about as well as can be expected, meaning just short of major fail.  

For example, I would pick up the phone and look at the number on the sheet.  And try to dial.  My fingers had their own plans though and began making up phone numbers, area codes and dancing around on the phone.  My eyes kept seeing the number I was supposed to be dialing but my brain kept going "oooo your chair rocks."  Talking to someone was the funniest/worst part.
"Hello, may I please speak to Mr. Joe?  Hi Mr. Joe it's Merida calling from the Theatre and I'd like to thank you, oh yeah!  Sorry.  Attending our performances in the past.  And I'm also calling to personally, we'd like to personally, I'm personally...ergh.  We'd like to personally share with you highlights of our sensational seasons.  We are starting off with the play, the thrilling and exciting play, A Few Good Men and we have some aaammmmaaazzzing musicals like..."
You get the idea.  Needless to say it was not a successful day sales wise.  In terms of drawing dancing animals and dancing in my chair it was very successful.  My boss says I'm weird all the time so she didn't notice anything strange.  Compliment or not?  I'm not sure yet.

Oh quick note.  My Dad is not embarrassed by my place of work.  Instead, he is apparently worried about me because it is a tough job.  I appreciate your concern Dad but I actually like the challenge.  Still,  I find his concern flattering.  All Dad's should be as awesome.

Friday 6 July 2012

Expenses and sales

Commence the fun of figuring out if I can manage to have more coming in than going out!  It's a fun game.
To begin, let's start with necessary expenses for the month.
Rent: $500
Food: TBD
Transportation: $84.65
I think that's it for mandatory expenses.  Oh wait.
Vet bill:  $75-ish.
Grand total of $659.65.  Goody.
Theatre: $340 + $150 -ish
Concert Hall: $150 -ish
Total:  $640.
Huh.  Well not as royally screwed as I figured.  How nice. Oh wait.  Food still needs to be added in.  Yup, we have a deficit ladies and gentlemen.  I feel like the government.

I get some extremely amusing phone experiences at my job.  I work in sales at a theatre here in the City.  That's a nice way of saying I work in a call centre and I'm a telemarketer.  I'm pretty sure my dad is ashamed of my job.
As I was saying, I get some of the most amuses phone experiences.  First off, I get answering machines that people will rap on or rhyme.  Last night one woman's answering machine was "Hey Groovy Cats!" and then went from there to rap on about how you should leave a message cause it was cool.  I feel like I'm missing out.  My voice mail is all professional sounding and what not!

I also get the extremes of dithering.  Dither dither dither.  The sale I made last night was to a friendly, lovely older couple.  Part way through the fifteen minute phone call though I admit to wanting to shout "The seats don't get any better Grandma!!!  Grab your credit card and let's go!!!  I got more shit to sell!"  Still it was super cute to here her husband in the background saying "If you want tickets you get tickets!  I don't care what night, just pick one!"  Spouses who are that cool about going to theatre should get a free round of dairy free ice cream bars!  (I wanted to say ice cream but then I realized that my lactose intolerance means I don't really know what ice cream tastes like.)

There's a new guy on staff.  This job does have a fairly high turnover rate though there appears to be about five or so of us who make up a kind of core group.  But this new guy.  Listening to him attempt to sell things is kind of painful.  Painful in the I was fantasizing about wrapping the phone cord and round his neck and tightening a bit.  Why?  First off it's his voice.  He does not have a phone voice.  His voice is insanely deep and makes me feel like my feet are about to start vibrating.  The texture of his voice reminds me of sludge oozing down a hill with a few rocks in it.  Thick heavy dark sludge.  Part of our job is to sound excited.  Listening to him makes me think that if you sit in the house you will find yourself glued to the seat and forced to watch four hours of someone repeating over and over "snail.  Snail.  Snail.  Snail."  He wonders why he has not made sales.

Going to to bar-s tonight.  I may come to regret this decision greatly.  Unless there are cute girls.  Cute girls make everything better.