Thursday 20 September 2012

This post has no title

So it's been over a week since I last posted.  I admit, I did not realize how busy I was going to be this school year.  A fair chunk of it is my fault.  If I didn't have the desire to go to grad school and subsequently need good grades I wouldn't spend as much time with my nose buried between the pages of my textbooks.  At least my classes are interesting.  Helps a lot with the spending hours reading from large, small printed books.  My Abnormal Psych class is especially interesting.  It's a lot of material but it's super cool.  Also the prof is pretty awesome.  He has a strong aversion to bad science and enjoys talking sarcastically about Freud.  I approve highly of this. 

Something neat that has come about as of late.  Fiance and I started this weight loss/get-into-better-shape-thing and it's actually working!  I sound surprised because I have a bad history of planning to get into shape, doing a bunch of things and then not seeing results.  Actually a much better way of putting it is that this is the first time that I have a manageable, healthy way of a) losing weight and b) getting strong.  We've modified this program to work for ourselves.  I recommend checking it out if this is something you are interested in.  It's very easy to do, it takes very little time and you can do it easily from home. 

I also found this on autostraddle the other day.  It's pictures of lady-loving ladies over the last 150 years and honestly, I think it's one of coolest things ever.  Many of the pictures made me just sit there and smile.  Many of the women look so happy together!

Speaking of gay things.  Fiance and I went to Buddies for the first time last week and had an absolute blast!  We had a great time dancing, playing pool and yes, checking out the ladies.  I loved how the place lacks the skeeze of straight bars where the waitresses have clearly been dressed by their male managers.  That and the lack of getting stared at and approached by creepy men.  I have such bad blisters on my heels from dancing for two hours though.  Make sure you wear comfortable shoes when going!  I'd say go barefoot but I could feel the soles of my shoes sticking to the alcoholic floor so yeah. 

I wish I actually had one topic to hone in on today but honestly, mostly I'm just thinking about how much reading I still have to do today.  Check out the comic I posted.  It is amusing!


Boyfriend got new sheets.  They're a kind of polyester/satin set.  Meaning ssslllliiiipppeeerrrryyyy. 

Monday 10 September 2012

First Week Part 2

As I promised, an actual post.  So first week!!!  Still running around trying to finish up the nit-picky things like, for example, getting to enjoy the line at the financial office this morning.  Why on Earth would anyone willingly go stand in that line you ask? Loans.  A sad truth but a truth that kept me standing in a line for half an hour to then get and enjoy the oh so helpful service of the financial office employee.  Weee.

This tale begins last week.  I'd already paid a couple desperate calls to Ontario, asking them when I was getting money as I had, you know, rent, groceries, tuition and textbooks to pay for (oh how I hate buying textbooks.  It's the beginning of term royal screwing over).  After sitting on hold and listening to the cheery voice saying over and over "if this is about this go here.  If this is about this go here.  If this is about this you need to go here.  PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY TALK TO US IF IT CAN BE AT ALL HELPED!!!!" I got a living human who spent the conversation trying to get rid of me.  I've found you have to speak fairly quickly and cut them off in order to get your questions in, otherwise it's "thankyougoodbye" *click*.  I have had it happen.  Calling back SUCKS!!!

Anyways, this person informed me that once my school confirmed my enrollment they would release the money to me.  When would this happen? After the first week.  Was there anything I needed to do?  Go to my financial office? Nope.  They'll take care of it.  Just wait. Thankyougoodbye *click*.

Time goes by and after some confusion with my financial office (I do have to actually go in, the liars) I found myself in the aforementioned line.  Now, I'm in this line post confusion with the financial office, panic that I won't be able to get my loans until next month and with cramps.  It began to feel to me like my body was determined to make the financial office experience as horrid as possible.  I was lucky and beat the long line by maybe five minutes but I ended up behind three people who did not know what they were doing or had wrong info or had come to the wrong place or who felt like arguing with the financial person.  Ugh.  As I stood there, on the third floor of an old building (re: no air circulation) I could feel my cramps increasing, the temperature of the room increasing and apparently my stomach felt left out and decided it wanted lunch then.

Needless to say that by the time I got there I was less than cheery but determined to not slow things down, I smiled at the lady and handed her my stuff.  She looked it over, nodded and began to fill stuff in on the computer.  Then the phone rang.  She took the call.  And then chatted with the person on the other end of the line about their money, put them on hold, spoke to her boss about how to get the person their money, talked to the person again and then spoke to me.  Ugh.

I have a high tolerance for crap when I know it is to my advantage to keep my mouth shut but my knees were deciding to quit on me, I'm pretty sure my uterus was trying to exit my body and I could feel sweat running down my back so my temper was very short.  Thankfully, I did not go on a murdering rampage. I did, however, speak somewhat curtly.  There, that'll show her!

Now I'm sitting waiting for my next class fantasizing about a hot water bottle, Buffy episode and a mug of hot chocolate.  In the mean time I suppose I will content myself with reading about poisonous plants and the Duchess of Northumberland, Jane Percy (she is officially a new hero of mine) and her Alnwick Gardens.  Check out the awesome stuff on the poison gardens.  This woman is the best.

Sunday 9 September 2012

First Week Part 1

First week of school!  Whew!  I think I forget how busy school gets.  Oh well. 

I was going to write a proper post but I am so tired and have so much I need to remember that I think I'm going to post some photos I've taken, comment on them and then stumble upstairs and curl up in bed with Fiance.  I promise I will make time tomorrow to actually write more than "oh yeah, I still exist." 

This was taken just off 109th St and 76th-ish ave here in Edmonton.  So, a nice neighbourhood for those who don't know.  It amused me highly.

This seems slightly problematic.  I know what they mean but...anything?

If you cannot read it, it says "Please do not flush tampons, ipads, possessed diaries...etc."  The possessed diaries made me chuckle quite a bit.

Fiance buzzed my hair this evening.  Mmm.  Fresh buzz.  It feels so nice.