Monday 31 December 2012

2013 cometh and we're still alive!

It's the last post of the year!  Wooo, we didn't all die.  I always wonder, when stuff like the Mayan calendar thing or that thing, whatever it was called, a couple years ago happen, how do they account for time zones?  Like when New Zealand doesn't blow up, do I still need to worry or am I good?  This is something that people seem to forget when it comes to dooms days.  My brother and I had an interesting chat about dooms days.  If you knew for certain that the world was going to end would you stick around or would you off yourself?  We agreed that we'd stay to watch the show but would keep some quick offingg method around in case it got too gross.  Both of us are extremely curious as to how the world would end and would want to stay to see it.

Speaking of time zones (oh yeah, reaching transition!) I flew back from Ontario two days ago after spending a lovely week Christmas-ing it up with my family.  My flight back ended up not leaving until eleven pm-ish due to delays so I was hoping I would sleep on the plane.  No such luck.  Between the screaming babies, horrible children in front of me and some evil energy that decided to possess me I was wide awake.  Brain dead, but wide awake.  Commence four hours of very bad television.  Specifically Storage Wars: Texas.  Holy god.  It's a bunch of people bidding on shit in abandoned storage lockers and know what, I recommend looking it up if you are curious.  Honestly, I can't bring myself to describe this superficial garbage.  I think my brain started to melt out my ears while I watched this.  One interesting thing though, is that since I was watching American television, I got Amercian ads, something I really don't see ever.  They were fairly horrible on the racist and sexist grounds but my favourite was the one that just talked about "the American way" and working hard to promote the "American way" and so on and so forth.  It was blatant propaganda.  It amused me because they went on and one about this "great land" that our "forefathers founded" 150 years ago.  This amuses me because, well, in the grand scheme of things, 150 years is really not that long.  You're a baby country by comparison of say, Scotland or Germany.  Or China.  Just saying.

Also, your "forefathers" murdered shit tons of people and animals in order to get this "great land" so yeah.  Just saying.  I like Canada.  We're pretty neutral on being Canadian and if anyone said "The Canadian way" they'd be talking about Tim Horton's.

So do I have any great revelations or wise things to say as this year comes to an end?  Not really.  I'm getting married next year.  That's exciting!  Four months and excitement building.  I do have one sort of New Year's goal; I'd like to be done the novel I'm working on and be working on getting it published.  People ask me what I'm going to do when I graduate; be the next Margaret Atwood or Alice Munro is the plan.  Sometimes I say something more reserved like "grad school" but yeah, that is the plan.  I want to be the next big Canadian female writer.  It'll be rad.

Happy New Years to all!  Hope you have a fabulous and safe night.